Saturday, August 4, 2007

Metallica in Video Games

Metallica is in the news, yet again. This time, it doesn't involve Lars Ulrich bitching about the public nickling and diming him, or about how corporate America is God's way.

Metallica is making headlines because one of their most well-known tracks will be on the latest installment of Guitar Hero (Guitar Hero III), and in the game, Rock Band. The song is: One.

Coincidentally, the same song has just been accepted as one of the world's most "piss-poor, stupid, brainless, dickless, no-good, four-flushing pieces of white-trash shite there is in American Culture" in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. We asked Chairman Bill Masters about the Hall of Fame's new indictment.

"They suck. Metallica sucks. Everything about them sucks. Sucks balls even." At this point, Bill wipes his forehead and looks at Brass Wilkins. Brass takes a step back, uneasy. "I have a major problem with a band of bitches."

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