Saturday, August 4, 2007

Man Blacks Out, Wakes Up in Strip Club

Gary Titsworth was in a pickle this morning. Like any other Friday evening, Gary chose to go out with his friends, Christopher and Zenith. They hit "Frankie Tuesdays", their usual bar, and Gary had a couple [alcoholic] drinks.

"I didn't drink more than I usually do. I swear to God!" Gary told us, completely perplexed. "I'm really worried...what happened between Frankie's and Club Harlot? I'm scared."

"He went to the bathroom and never came out, we thought he entered a vortex or something," claimed long-time friend Zenith.

We sent out Gil to do some investigating.

Gil did his best, retracing Gary's steps between the Frankie's and Club Harlot. Along the way, Gil found a cat missing its virginity, a homeless person with a locket with a picture of Gary, and a human turd with hair on it.

The case is still open. Gary's wife is leading the inquiry. "I just wish I knew what I did...", whimpered Gary.

Gil brought the turd home for further testing.


Anonymous said...

man, i love your site!! you guys are so cool. i show everyone your stuff. your updates are flagged. why sont you people write a book or something!!

Anonymous said...

Good words.